
Tadam pear cider
Tadam pear cider

tadam pear cider

We also froze some excess fresh juice, which we will add when we bottle the cider for natural carbonation.Įverything went smoothly, but the only thing I would consider changing would be the brew shop we used which was the Valley Vintner in Eugene. We are planning to “rack” it in another week or two, then let it sit for 3-4 more weeks before bottling. After that first day though, things have settled down and it is quietly fermenting away. Instead we just added the activated yeast to the juice and stirred a bit more.īy the next morning, that yeast was busy! We had to keep changing out the airlock because the yeast foam kept bubbling up into it. We did not heat all of the juice, which you could do if you wanted to ensure there were no wild yeast strains in there from the fruit. I added the sweetened juice to the carboy and gave it a good stir. I didn’t let it boil – just warmed it a bit. Meanwhile, I slowly heated up some of the fresh juice and mixed in the sugar, stirring so it dissolved fully. They were nice and juicy and filled our five gallon carboy quite quickly. The next step was pressing some pears! That went pretty quick because we let the picked pears sit for a few days. I didn’t want to use bleach and end up with that flavor still in the cider.

tadam pear cider

That part went fairly quickly and I used a concentrated sterilizing liquid from the brew shop. The first step was to sterilize everything: the carboy, airlock, bowls used for cider juice, etc. You could smell it without even opening the bag, so it should flavor the cider nicely. I also sprang for some fancy Belgian brown sugar. This year I went with a cider yeast recommended by my local brew shop. Also, we made it with honey as the sweetener, to boost the alcohol content, so my vegan friend couldn’t ever enjoy a bottle. That batch turned out pretty good, but I had mistakenly let the airlock dry out for a couple weeks. I decided to try another batch of hard cider, but a little different than the one from last year. There more things still in moving boxes than there were out of boxes, but the harvest waits for no one! If you don’t drop what you are doing to preserve now, you’ll miss your window for the season. We harvested a few buckets of asian pears from my mom’s house right after we moved into our new place in Oregon.

Tadam pear cider